
‘Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all of the places people thought you never would.’ EV

When someone casts shade your way, let that darkness become fertile ground for your growth.  Anytime someone withholds their light from you, they do so in an attempt to keep you down. Don’t EVER fall for that ruse- if there was never any darkness, a seed could never sprout.  Remember this next time someone delivers you the darkness of a hard experience- instead of feeling like you have been buried, remember instead, that the universe has just laid you down, to prepare you for your growth.

Nestle into the darkness…. cry, scream, and curl up in a tight ball if you must… but stay there and do your inner work. Soon enough the light will return, and despite yourself you will be drawn up and out…left no option but to burst forth and to transform into more than you have ever been before.

Like wildflowers, you must allow yourself to grow in all of the places people thought you never would.’ EV