Bon Voyage-A Remote Viewing Test

As you learned in the video and post yesterday, remote viewing is one way to show that the mind and the body are not anchored together in time and space. The vast amount of research into the accuracy of remote viewing lends itself to this truth. Trying to remote view an object is a fun way to test your ability to allow your awareness to take a little trip away from wherever it is that you are physically located. Remote viewing is just one more way to help expand our horizons into the knowing that the essence of who we are is not inexorably anchored to our human vehicle. Remote viewing is really not spooky or strange – it is just the use of focused intention.  I enjoy teaching people about it, because it is another reminder that our consciousness is not tied to our physical bodies- and if we can touch this knowledge for ourselves, it changes how we live our lives.

  Testing Your Remote Viewing Ability

The only way to find out if you can remote view is to try it. Follow the instructions below. If you are able to see, sense, or know, the target or some significant attributes of the target, then you likely have some remote viewing ability. If your impressions do not fit the target, don’t despair. The mind is like a muscle and the more it is trained, the stronger it becomes. Below are some actual photographs from my very first attempt at remote viewing many years ago. I was more curious than sincere and as you can see from the notes I jotted down when I did it, I spent less than 30 seconds quieting my mind to sense the target object. Even so, the impression I got, though incomplete was very accurate for one part of the object.  What I drew is an exact match to the toes on the frog’s back legs. I did not see the frog- but I saw a portion of the frog exactly. This type of partial clarity is a common theme seen in remote viewing.

Hopefully my shared example gives you a sense of how to interpret your results.

Now to test your remote viewing ability read through the directions below. After you have read and understood them go back and follow them.

Step 1: Empty Your  Mind

For now, just relax, close your eyes, breathe deeply, and empty your mind. Imagine a blank black screen in front of your eyes. Concentrate only on keeping that screen black. Remain this way for five minutes before going on.

Step 2: Learn to Keep Your Imagination Quiet

Your imagination will try to put images and things onto that black screen.  If you get fully formed images and full concepts, it likely is your imagination and not remote viewing. Remotely viewed information tends to arrive in snippets especially for the beginner. Continually remind yourself that extremely vivid images are probably imagination, not remote viewing. It is very common to get a ‘piece ‘of the image, but not the  whole image, the way I did with the frog.

Step 3: Remote View the Target

Let impressions arrive of their own accord. Concentrate only on looking at that black screen. When something impresses itself upon that screen visually or via some other sense, jot it down. Things such as texture, temperature, color, geometric shape, sense of movement, smell, sound, etc. are often the types of input received with remote viewing.

As you envision that black screen say the code XYZ out loud . This is the ‘name’ I have given to the object to help your mind to identify it. Continue to focus on the letters XYZ as you stay open to impressions of the target object which is sitting on a shelf in my home. (My address and where I live are irrelevant – the intention to view this object is what is important.)

The entire time you stay in this relaxed state of focused intention, continue to tell yourself that the target object is object XYZ and it is sitting on a bookshelf in my home.

As you get impressions, open your eyes and sketch the images or write the impressions. Write only the details; don’t try to decide what the target is.

In tomorrow’s blog I will post a picture of the object. I would love to hear some of the impressions you get.  If you are not comfortable with a public comment, feel free to send your information via private message (Facebook or blog.) Most people are quite surprised at how accurate their attempts are, and it is not uncommon to see ‘themes’ among people partaking in the same experiment. This is just an example of how minds that are joined together in one direction, tend to meet out there in the field!

Bon Voyage!!

2 thoughts on “Bon Voyage-A Remote Viewing Test”

  1. Hello,

    I’d be very interested to know what the target object was. Ican’t seem to find the blog.

    Kind Regards,


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