Simple, Fragile, Grateful…

 “How simple and fragile life is.’

Yesterday, as the Thanksgiving holiday rounded the corner at our house, it was easy to keep this quote in the forefront of my mind. Because  last week had been taken up with travel and the unexpected death of a family member, the prep time required for the ginormous home made meal that is the family norm didn’t happen. Instead  of cooking, we chose to purchase a pre-made Thanksgiving meal from Whole Foods. It was a simple holiday, ushered forward by the fragility of life – just as today’s quote says.

While the pre-made meal was still warming in the oven the phone rang. It was our 22 year old daughter. She was calling to tell us that her beloved (who is beloved to all of us)  had been driving home and hit black ice on a mountain pass. His car spun out of control and hit a telephone pole. The vehicle was totaled, but he walked away without a scratch.

A few hours later, shaken but smiling, he walked through the door to join us for our pre-made Thanksgiving dinner…  Simple and Fragile already had a place at the table…. but we quickly set a place for Gratitude too.

How simple and fragile life is…. and how grateful we are for every moment spent with those we love.