Search and Destroy

Destroy negative thoughts when they first appear. This is when they are the weakest. Songide Makwa

 There is good science to back up this fantastic quote. One of my favorite ‘conscious thought’ pioneers is Dr. Joe Dispenza, check out his work here. Dr. Joe eloquently teaches that we can change our brains, by simply changing our thinking. Of course this is wonderful news- but the flip side of this news, is where the truth of today’s quote is.

Our brains are a bit like railway stations…. With millions of tiny thought trains running on our neural circuitry. Dr. Joe is fond of saying ‘cells that wire together, fire together.’ And what he is essentially saying is that the things that we think about repetitively begin to have their own little neural track in our brain. Over time, if we have spent enough time thinking about something, the thought begins to run on its track without us even needing to pay attention to it- and those auto thoughts become the building blocks of our reality. Good news for those of us disciplined enough to be mindful of what we allow ourselves to think about. Not so good news for the rest of us.

So today’s quote reflects Dr. Joe’s philosophy perfectly- if we find ourselves thinking a negative thought- the sooner we extinguish that thought, the faster the cross bar comes down on that track that our nervous system begins building.

Destroy negative thoughts when they first appear. This is when they are the weakest.