Getting Our Sea Legs

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.     Maria Robinson

Every year I am very disciplined about starting my new year off with crisp clean energy.  Yet in my own life, despite my best efforts, 2015 got off to a checkered start- and over the past week as I have interacted with readers and listened to my clientele, it is clear that I am not the only one who feels this way.

Why did 2015 stagger in for some of us? Who knows, but from a logical perspective, starting the New Year mid-week may have had an effect. Having a holiday, and then a workday, and then two days off again gave a staccato feel to the first five days of the month for many of us. If you feel that your new year started with a stutter instead of a roar, what can you do about it? As today’s quote implies, you may not be able to go back and start a new beginning, but you can start today and make a new ending. This is good news! We are one week into 2015- 7 days have gone past and 358 remain. Learn from the first seven, and set your sights towards those 358 up ahead.

If you share my sentiments about how 2015 began, know that this less than stellar start has been a gift…. it has jostled us around a bit, we have been pushed out and pulled in, and now we have our moorings.  Week one has given us our sea legs- now it’s time to set sail into a beautiful New Year. Who’s in?