Only Love . . .

‘For small creatures such as we, the vastness is made bearable only through love.’ Carl Sagan

Without a doubt some of the most beautiful moments of my life have unfolded around sporting events. Sports consistently bring our family together, occasionally (and playfully) divide us, bring beautiful families and deep and lasting friendships into our world – and give my time here as a Momma an extra layer of passion and joie de vivre.

Today, I think every sport fan on the planet and even those who are not sport fans feel the bitter sweetness of watching a once a year world class sporting contest in the wake of losing a group of nine humans who were bonded and impassioned by all things ‘sport’ – they boarded that helicopter last Sunday buoyed and guided by the very same energies I cited in the paragraph above.

There is a global grief in the world right now but let it help us remember that the collective pain of this week that so many have felt, is no greater than the ‘small’ grief that our friends, our neighbors, and our fellow man carry when they lose a loved one. It is easy to dismiss grief when it is not ‘ours to carry’ but events like those of the last week are sacred reminders of the universal journey that we are all a part of…whether we are one of the ‘greats’ or a just an ordinary Jane or Joe. The universe is vast… but the circle of life is relentlessly consistent… reminding us over and over again, that only love is real.

‘For small creatures such as we, the vastness is made bearable only through love.’ Carl Sagan

#nineangels #onlyloveisreal #everythingteaches #churchofsports#soccerfamily #ballerfamily #familyfamily

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