Imperfection’s Gift


“Understanding the difference between healthy striving and perfectionism is critical to laying down the shield and picking up your life.” Brene Brown

Today marks another year and another trip around the sun for me.  I am not big on celebrating my birthday in the traditional sense , but I am big on  the belief that the way we begin the year sets a strong energy for how the year will go. This always makes me ultra conscious of even the most minute details of my ‘first day’ of a new year of life.

With that in mind I thought today was a great day to push myself forward  and finally publish one of the videos I have been working on for many weeks now.  In the coming months I will be introducing some new visual, educational, and interactive elements to Rx for the Soul, but before I can do that, I am going to have to get over my desire to keep working on the details until everything is ‘just so.’

It has become painfully clear in these last months why I am a writer and not a screen actress, news anchor, or anyone else who is comfortable and proficient in front of a camera.  As I have labored to look both relaxed and brilliant in front of my trusty iPhone video camera I have experienced all manner of disasters from brain fog, to stutters, to  almost tipping over in my chair and landing in our pond. The most authentic moments I have captured on film have been when I am so exasperated with yet another mis-step that I lapse into a genuine rant.

Making a three minute long video is more challenging than I would ever have imagined, but I am going to stick with the process because there is a huge advantage to adding audio and video elements to education. I will be expanding into many different areas of exploration but they each have one thing in common; they are designed to help you become more familiar with this  interactive universe  and to assist you to better connect with YOUR INTERACTIVE UNIVERSE.

So as I begin this new year of my life one of my goals is to relax my need to make all things  perfect before putting them out into the world… so what better way to walk that walk than with a short video  called ‘ Imperfections Gift’  starring  yours truly…