Before it Gets Dark…


‘The world is big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.’ John Muir

I have always loved this quote- and it has come to mind several times in the last few days. Last week our first born left for a trip that he has been scrimping and saving for for months. He and the beauty he’s with in this photograph have a 23 day jaunt penciled out, that will take them from Europe to North Africa. (The large graphic in today’s photo, was a picture they sent of their first  morning together in San Sebastian, Spain.) Although I am not much of a traveler myself, I am 100% in favor of the priority he gave this trip in his life. Life educates us in ways that no amount of schooling ever can, and I know the wisdom he will gain over the next three weeks will stay with him forever. Maybe he can pass some of it on to his homebody momma too!

One of the very best parts about having kids is the fact that their happy is our happy- and every time Sutter takes a moment to share his trip of a lifetime with me, I feel my heart swell with joy for him.

The world IS a big place- and I am so glad he is getting to see it- before it gets dark <3