Delaying Destiny


‘When you fight to cling to people who no longer belong in your life you delay your destiny. Let them go.’ Mandy Hale

 This quote was brand new to me when I came across it yesterday.  As I let the words sink into my being I got a chill from head to toe.

Although Mandy Hale’s words are directed toward the people in our lives, this quote could aptly be applied toward anything that is not for our good- anything at all that we struggle to hold on to that is really no longer ours to have.

Delaying our destiny is something none of us can afford to do. One of my goals has  always been to live long enough to ‘do what I came here to do.’ Although I have never known in entirety what my destiny is, I have certainly touched on pieces of it and have always pushed myself toward the things that I know are mine to do, and the people that I know are mine to be with.

Today’s quote was a fresh reminder of what I already know- there is never any time to waste by clinging to the things and the people that stop our growth….

‘When you fight to cling to people who no longer belong in your life you delay your destiny. Let them go.’ Mandy Hale