Bring It!


‘Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

 This quote brings a gentle reminder that whatever it is we are seeking- it is always an inside job. As human beings we all go through periods of discontent. Myself, I have had plenty of ‘mad at the world’ moments, but over the years I have learned to do damage control by reigning in my angst.

When we are in a difficult spot in our lives, it is easy to point the finger at someone or something outside of ourselves for the way that we feel. But inevitably, as soon as we do that the Universe points its finger back at us. And this happens not because we are being punished- it happens because the Universe is flawless- truly impeccable in its karmic system of give and take. It is a system that was designed not to agree with us, but instead to promote our growth and evolution.

When the hard lessons come try not to blame the outside world for how you feel.  Own it… and remember it’s okay to feel unhappy, angry, lost- any and all forms of discontent. It doesn’t mean you are weak, it doesn’t mean you are ‘un-spiritual’ – it means you’re learning.

Sit with what you have been given to sit with. Let it teach you what it must…and I promise when the lesson is done and you walk away, it will be as a gentler and kinder human being.

 I am convinced that this end result is always worth whatever journey we have endured….