You are More than a Body…

 You do not have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.

Tonight I will get to spend an evening in the realm of spirit. I will be attending a presentation given by the world-renowned medium John Edward. I have met Mr. Edward on several occasions and have followed his work closely for many years. This scrutiny has left me with the utmost respect for his work; he is accurate, he is kind and compassionate, but most important to me, he has opened himself up to scientific investigation.

There is a book called The Afterlife Experiments that was published some years ago by Dr. Gary Schwartz who is a Harvard trained physician. This book is an extensive sciencitifc peak into the work of a handful of mediums, John Edward being one of them.  It details their accuracy rates, the quality of information brought through, and does statistical analysis that helps the reader to truly understand the implications of what these messages tell us about the reality of an afterlife.  I have attached a video clip that was shot during one of the scientific investigations into his work and it shows several instances of highly original and verifiable information that he brought through.

I trust that tonight John Edward will bring healing to some, inspiration to others, and a reminder to many –

…that we do not have a soul, we ARE a soul. We have a body.

2 thoughts on “You are More than a Body…”

  1. I am SOOOO green with envy, Doctor. I have read many of John Edward’s books, and used to watch him on TV when we were in Reno and Iowa. I don’t have access to him anymore, though. Please, do write, or give me a call one of these days, with report.

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